Establishing Historical Significance

1 min readMar 4, 2021

Historical significance placed on anything that affected people at the time and even holds importance today. Looking at the drafting and adopting of the constitution showed how much it meant to the American people. At the time freedom was a big question as we just became a New Nation and it was critical to get all the states and those who populated them to have faith in the government. This process showed the leaders of our nation giving the people a voice in this new nation by changing how the government runs and operates, being sure to keep a balance of powers throughout the system. The most important thing at the time for the American people was to avoid creating another king/dictator scenario they fought so hard to escape, this is shown through the constant revision and stress on a democratic system and equal say for all men throughout. Today however we are not worried so much about one person taking over, as we are a spesific group gaining power until they are fully in control. Thats why this document is not as significant to us now, as we are worried about other things in todays time when looking at this part. Some things still effect us, like when they set age’s you have to be for run for Office, so if your someone involved in politics it might affect you on a more day to day basis than the average American in todays era.

