Historical Perspectives

1 min readMar 25, 2021

Manifest Destiny was the driving component for our countries expansion Westward and if we want to understand reasons as to why so many Americans were behind this idea we need to take a step back and analyze the events from multiple perspectives. In order to understand why they pushed the Native Americans out and took over we need to understand what was going on at that time in America, this is important because it makes you more aware on what affected and pressured Americans into making these decisions. It is also important to try and keep any personal biases or strong opinions out when taking a look at historical events. The world that you are looking at is not the same as the one you live in now, and it is always improtant to keep that in mind. As the Country was being made we fought for Freedom and that is exactly what we were moving West to find, to expand and create more opportunities for a new growing population. However while the settlers were working on creating a new life for their families they were blind to the fact that they were treating the Native population extremely unfair to say the least. From the Settlers perspectives they saw the West and unexplored land and opportunity, but failed to see the harm they caused to the Native Americans.

